It is our intent to enact the following legislation

Military Issues:

Concurrent Receipt: Concurrent Receipt: the total entitlement for concurrent receipt of both VA disability compensation and military retirement/retainer pay, without an offset of any kind for all percentage disabilities, to include those personnel who took early retirements, and those personnel medically retired through no fault of their own. That legislation shall include the necessary provision to ensure this entitlement will not be subject to budgetary review each year, but shall be automatic.  From which fund they decide to pay it is up to the government, but it must be automatic and not subject to suspension


Retired Military Health Care:  to totally restore the no-cost, earned, lifetime medical/dental care to all retired military and their spouse as long as they are married, or their widows who survive them, who were on duty prior to Oct 1, 1995, their legal dependents until the age of 21 - this is to include personnel who took the early retirement option, Reservists and National Guards who retired.  Again, which will be made permanent and not subject to suspension. 


 Veterans' Administration Disability Claims: to provide the necessary logistical support to enable the VA to process disability claims within six months of the time filed, and a maximum of six months for each appellate review.


Uniformed Services Former Spouses Protection Act: Former Spouses Protection Act: to REPEAL the Uniform Services Former Spouses Protection Act, since the various state laws apply to all citizens equally regarding divorces.


Feres Doctrine:  changing the effects of the Feres Doctrine, whereby active     duty personnel are prevented from suing the government for medical malpractice.  We do not oppose the bar on litigation involving accidental injuries suffered during wartime, or training for wartime.


Veterans' Administration Health Care: to make it mandatory that the Veterans Administration will provide Medical Care to any Disabled Veteran with a Service Connected Disability rating of 0% through 100% for a Service Connected Disability within no more than 30 days from day of notification by the ailing Service Connected Disabled Veteran to the VA. If the VA Facility In which the Service Connected Disabled Veteran is Registered as a Patient can not meet this 30 day maximum limit, the VA Facility is Required to make Arrangements with a local DOD or Civilian Medical provider to see that the Service Connected Disabled Veteran receives medical care within the 30 days. The VA Facility is Required to, and Must send the Service Connected Disabled Veteran to a Civilian or DOD Medical Facility (to comply with the 30 day maximum waiting period) ALL expenses for the Medical Care of the Service Connected Disabled Veteran to include Medicine, and/or any other medical expense incurred Shall ALL be paid in Full by The Veterans Administration.  The Service Connected Disabled Veteran patient will owe no Co-payment.  The Service Connected Disabled Veteran shall travel no more than a 50-mile radius from his/her permanent home address (or Residence), unless the appropriate specialty service is not available in that radius.  At any rate, if he/she is sent out to a DOD or Civilian Medical Provider by the Veterans Administration to comply with this 30-day maximum waiting period, the VA shall provide travel.  Additionally, emergency and urgent care shall have a 24-hour time limit on treatment for qualified veterans.  Next, all required funding for VA care shall be made automatic, as opposed to the current requirement for annual appropriation.  Lastly, all VA claims and appeals for disability shall be completed within six months of being filed, or the claimant shall be automatically approved for said claim.


Court of Veterans' Appeals:  the Court of Veterans' Appeals, which has been rife with corruption from its inception, must be totally eliminated.  Veterans who have exhausted their administrative remedies shall have a right to bring suit in a regular Federal District Court.  This comports with the notions of equal protection of the laws as listed in the 5th Amendment to the United States Constitution.


Military Service: :  in order to serve two functions we support a compulsory 2-year military service (subject only to disability or other disqualifying medical conditions) immediately after high school.  The first function is to offer a permanent solution to the readiness of our military by solving the recruiting problem.  The second function is to provide a level playing field by paying completely for up to four years of higher education or trade school (books and tuition) to all enlistees upon completion of their tour.  Also, guaranteed low cost student loans for the same time period should be made available for cost of living so those soldiers or sailors who may become married will actually be able to get an advanced education.  So many people have not met their potential because of starting a family and losing interest because they had to go part time while they support others.  This is a fair entitlement in exchange for this mandatory service and it will allow our youngsters to mature and get a little discipline before they have to decide what to do with their lives.  This will be mandatory for both males and females alike. 

Note: If the individual chooses not to serve in the military-they must complete the same time period in the area of a national service agency(i.e. American Red Cross, Salvation Army, Peace corps, World Health Org, etc.) These must be nationally recognized agencies that meet the 501,3(c) eligibility requirements and are not local only, although they may have office, representatives in smaller communities.  


                     Civilian Issues:


We will develop a plan to eliminate the Federal Income Tax and replace it with a flat 9 or 10% federal sales tax applicable to all Citizens and residents equally.  This will eliminate the need for the Internal Revenue Service as we know it, and the billions of dollars we spend to maintain that Department annually



In order to reward LEGAL immigrants and discourage ILLEGAL immigrants we will enact legislation eliminating any free medical care to ILLEGAL immigrants crossing our border to be seen at American Hospitals by using the excuse that our hospital is closer than the Mexican hospital.  It is Mexico’s responsibility, not ours, to build their own medical facilities.  Free medical care to anyone here illegally shall be limited to only that care needed to stabilize them in life threatening situations, long enough to return them to their home country.  The current practice of waving them through at the border shall be discontinued – this is also a security risk, and they shall be denied entry. 

As an incentive to use the legal immigration procedure we shall endeavor to increase funding for the INS processing, so that LEGAL immigrants will not have to wait for long periods to be approved or denied. 

In order to eliminate the incentive we have created for ILLEGAL immigration, American citizenship shall not be granted to any children of illegal aliens, but they shall be citizens of their home country.  The only other benefits to be given to illegal aliens shall be legal defense for criminal matters, as we would provide to any indigent individual.  Free education to illegal aliens shall be discontinued immediately.  Since we spend over 24 billion dollars a year on benefits to illegal aliens, that money may be put to use for our own citizens.   Also, since we do not feel our elected representatives are protecting our borders as they are constitutionally charged to do: Due to the state of our national terrorist threat we propose the National Guard and Reserve units, who are not currently deployed, be sent to patrol our borders with Canada and Mexico in order to stem the flow of illegal aliens.  We also propose the Naval Reserve units be used to augment the Coast Guard in patrolling our ocean borders.  We further propose all immigration from known terrorist supporting countries be temporarily suspended until the war on terror is resolved. All persons found to be in this country illegally shall not be granted citizenship, but immediately deported to their country of origin. This aspect shall be discontinued when CONGRESS determines the terrorist threat is over.  The benefits aspect above shall remain in effect permanently. 

Immigration should be made more equitable to ALL countries by creating quotas based on an equal proportion of the originating country's population, without preferential treatment to any individual country.  Also, a commission should be formed to study this country's natural resource limits and devise a total immigration policy, which is fiscally prudent.  By this we mean specifically to determine how many people this country can reasonably support without jeopardizing our lifestyle.  We do not want to end up in cubicles like the Japanese.  Immigration with sensible limits is good for this nation and always has been.  A steady influx of immigrants stimulates the supply and demand our economy needs for continued growth.  However, this number should be based on sound research as mentioned above.  Our first responsibility is to "our" citizens.  At the same time we need to enforce our immigration laws by giving mandatory one-year jail sentences for illegal immigrants who are caught, before they are deported.  This will create an incentive to obey the law and reward those immigrants who go by the law.  Otherwise we are sending a message to all those who would immigrate here that it is not necessary for them to go through all the red tape and trouble to conform to our procedural guidelines. 




Elected Officials Pay Raises: requiring all Presidential, Vice-Presidential, and Congressional pay raises to be calculated so as not to exceed the same percentage rate increase to be awarded annually to all other government active employees, and cost of living increases to all other government retirees, if any.  

Second Amendment:   “A well-regulated Militia , being necessary to the security of a  free State , the  right of the people   to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

                                    Second  Amendment , United States  Constitution

An overwhelming majority of the Constitutional Scholars of the Nation have held that  the meaning of this Second Amendment is crystal clear:  The right of the citizens to “bear arms”- weapons – guns – “shall not be infringed”- shall not be violated – shall not be destroyed – shall not be done away with.  These scholars are unanimous in agreement that the word, “people”, meant individual citizens, and that the word, “Militia”, meant armed citizens – not the present-day National Guard.  They all agree that this was the intent of the Framers of the Constitution – the intent of the States that ratified the Constitution – and the understanding of the citizens of that day – the intent of the vast majority of Americans ever since.

All law-abiding citizens of the United States of America have a Constitutionally guaranteed right to own or transfer any firearm they choose free from government regulation, registration, licensing or taxation unless, or until, they have been convicted of a violent felony. Additionally these same lawful (non-violent felony conviction) citizens may carry firearms on their person concealed or otherwise in all legally authorized locations. 

All law-abiding citizens have the right to engage in buying, selling, or trading legally owned weapons with any other law-abiding citizen as long as the transactions conform to the legal constraints in force at the time of the transactions.

All law-abiding citizens have the right to lend, donate, or give any of their legally owned weapons to legitimate institutions, charities, or individuals, providing that said entities are legally entitled to acquire and possess same.
Since the dawn of history, the registration of weapons has invariably led to confiscation, therefore the Patriots' Coalition of America is unequivocally opposed to the registration of legally owned weapons.

Additionally, the Patriots' Coalition of America will endeavor to have repealed, or declared unconstitutional, all of the present gun laws that infringe on the right of the people to bear arms.                           


Social Security:

1.      Withhold the same amount.  


2.      1/3 to be utilized the same as before, only funds to be placed in special trust account (interest bearing, federally insured CDs) as opposed to the general revenue fund.  

3.      1/3 to be invested in a private mutual fund-to be bid on and contracted out.        50% of these funds will in guaranteed tax-free municipal bonds, the other 50% to be invested in Blue chip stocks. 


4.      1/3 to be invested in any registered security on either the American or New York Exchanges, or placed in an IRA, at the complete discretion of the taxpayer. 


5.      Benefits should only be available to American citizens or those legally applying for citizenship.  


6.      In order to pay for administration of the new system since funds will not be going into or coming out of the general revenue fund anymore, a percentage (to be determined by amortization/underwriting experts) of the money in the accounts of those persons dying prior to retirement will go into a specific fund for that purose-with the balance going to the designated beneficiary of decedent.


7.      With these changes, even if the taxpayer's initial investment in #4 above is totally lost, there will be more than we are now receiving left in the other 2/3, and the taxpayer has a potential for some increased retirement savings that could drastically improve the lifestyle of millions of retirees.


Minority Rights: Our policy is to promote any and all positions of equality for any and all races/ethnic groups on any and all issues.  We stress equal “opportunity” without the use of any favoritism (Quotas, Affirmative Action, etc.,) , but with the enforcement of  all anti-discrimination laws currently enacted, and/or the enactment of any new legislation being needed. 

 Affirmative Action:  to establish a sensible compromise between those for and against affirmative action employment policies we should address the need for it in the first place.  Obviously discrimination does exist and we have laws to punish those who practice it.  In an attempt to eliminate, as far as possible, the employment practices that facilitate discrimination, employment applications, for the most part, should not include a race or sex identifier. The name should be submitted in the form of initials.  For 95% of all jobs there is little or no need for a personal interview since the necessary information can be garnered from the qualifications on the application.  There will obviously need to be exceptions for upper management, sales and other positions where people skills and/or appearance are imperative.  For these positions there will still be the anti-discrimination laws to handle pertinent issues.  This eliminates the greatest need for affirmative action, which should be abolished where it already is not.


Disability: disability benefits from any public source should be awarded only to citizens, legal immigrants, and those who have applied for and are awaiting citizenship (they must FILE an application for citizenship within five years of entry to be eligible and the disability must not have occurred before they entered the country) whom incur the disability after entering the country.  There are too many people from other countries who have pre-existing disabilities and are given life-long benefits out of the taxpayers' pockets.  That is plainly unfair for our taxpayers to be forced to shoulder that burden.  If private charities want to perform that function, they may certainly do so. 



Place a six-month time limit on receipt of welfare benefits for able-bodied recipients.

If recipient is not employed by then, they must work (real work) on some government program etc., for 40 hours a week.  Alternatively, the recipient may elect to go to a free trade school for 20 hours a week and work the other 20.  Inside desk jobs can be utilized for partially disabled recipients.  There are many severely disabled people who hold down full-time jobs voluntarily.  We have all seen this-a vocational rehab counselor at the VA had no legs and worked full time.

Establish mandatory jail time of at least 6 months for those convicted of welfare fraud.

The Food Stamp program should be changed to require recipients to go pick up their allotment of actual food from a government grocery which can be operated by the above mentioned welfare recipients, and, for that matter, a large percentage of the food can be grown on government farms which are also operated by welfare recipients.  The management/permanent employees of both of these systems can be provided (jobs created) by graduates of the trade school/welfare-to-work program.  The current Welfare changes have helped, but there needs to be much more done to curb fraud.  As an attorney I see way too many cases of welfare fraud in the courts daily

Abortion: due to the almost fifty-fifty split on this issue it is my proposal that this be placed in the hands of the states.  Approximately half of the states will opt for each solution, or some permutation thereof.  With this approach, if it is an issue that someone feels strongly about either way, they would at least have the option of moving to a state which adhered to their preference.  This will require a Constitutional Amendment, which will effectively overrule the Roe v. Wade decision, and place the decisions back into the hands of the several States. Obviously, we adhere to exceptions involving medical emergencies, rape and incest.

The Patriots’ Coalition  of Texas, according to most of our members, will vote pro-life.


Foreign Aid:  reduce all foreign aid by 75% by giving significant aid to only those strategic countries (in order to avoid imminent threat of international instability) considering national security.  For economic development purposes we should rely on tax incentives to American businesses who are interested in doing business with the respective counties.  It is not our responsibility as taxpayers to bail the world out of their economic trouble.  A ceiling of 25% of the current expenditures will help eliminate the excuse of "National Security" which is frequently abused.


Term Limits:  United States Congressmen shall be limited to two four-year terms.  Since we
feel we do not need career Congressmen any more than we need a career
President, these limits are reasonable.  Since we do not want career
Congressmen, there is no need to provide them with a retirement.  Since
their salaries are ample they can be on social security like everyone else.
Also, there must be a limit on their private residence rent, and that shall
be $100,000.00 per year, and shall only be for the time they are in office.


School Tax and Education Platform:  public schools should be funded through a flat sales tax with each school given their equal, per capita funding in order to create a more level playing field, while being fair to all taxpayers.  Those wishing to send their children to private schools should still be able to do so.  This eliminates some people having to pay a larger share for education through property taxes, while extending a truly equal education opportunity to all Americans.  Social promotions should be totally eliminated.  That practice has helped no one.  To cut the budget and decrease the size of the federal government, we advocate the elimination of the United States Department of Education.  Control of education can be better managed by the various STATE Education Departments.  There are redundant administrative expenses that cost the taxpayers billions of unnecessary money each year.  As with all of our stances we remain completely open to constructive criticism.

Religious Freedom: 

Article I of the Bill of Rights reads: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

Our Constitution grants no authority to the federal government either to grant or deny the religious expressions of the people in any place. Both the First and Tenth Amendments forbid such tyranny

We call upon all branches of government to cease their attacks on the religious liberties of the people.

We assert that any form of taxation on churches and other religious organizations is a direct and dangerous step toward state control of the church. Such intrusion is prohibited by the Constitution and must be halted.

We assert that private organizations such as the Boy Scouts of America, can determine their own membership, volunteers, and employment based on their oaths and creeds.


        For further information contact Philip Earl Jones at the address below:

 Philip Earl Jones, Attorney at Law, 126 East Main Plaza, Ste. 6, San Antonio, Texas 78205, Phone: (210) 224-1468; Fax: (210) 227-4229, Web site:


                                        PATRIOTS Coalition

                                                126 E. Main Plaza, Suite 6

                                                San Antonio, Texas 78205

                                                   Phone: (210) 224-1468  

Platform & Issue's



I, the undersigned am a registered voter and would like to join the Patriots’ Coalition  of Texas.






  1. Print name___________________________
  2. Complete Mailing Address_____________________________
  3. Telephone, with area code_____________________
  4. email address________________________
  5. Voter Registration number_________________________
  6. Not Registered, but would like to be __________



I would like to volunteer to serve on one of the following committees:


Please put the number one, two and three, in order of preference next to the committees you would like to volunteer for.



_____Steering (Start-up) Committee




Platform Planks:    Remember additional Committees will be formed as we develop.


_____National Defense (Including Veterans’ Affairs)

_____Education                                                     _____Second Amendment

_____Employment Issues                                       _____Environmental Issues


_____Social Security

_____Economic Affairs

_____Foreign Aid


_____Affirmative Action

_____Criminal Justice

_____Health Care                               






For further information contact Philip Earl Jones at the address below:

 Philip Earl Jones, Attorney at Law

126 East Main Plaza, Ste. 6

San Antonio, Texas 78205

Phone: (210) 224-1468; Fax: (210) 227-4229

Web site:


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